Friday, February 13, 2009

Fears . . .

I have some fears. Josh and his brother, Chris, like to call them irrational (I would like to call them rational, cause I do believe they can happen!). For example, last night we were at my parents watching My Big Redneck Wedding, and the lucky couple drove off in a monster truck, I said, "I would be so scared that a tire would pop!" Josh and my sister, Courtney, said, "I would be scared the truck would just flip over backwards." Really... I am scared that someones tire will pop while I am driving behind them, and hit my car.

In me and Josh's front room we have a coffee table that Josh made for us before we got married. Its made from iron wood (The strongest wood there is, its VERY rare, and found only in the rain forest). Sometimes when I am watching TV I think, one day, I am going to trip and fall and knock my two front teeth out on the corner.
Whenever I turn on the shower water without opening the curtain, I am scared that someone is going to be in the shower, who will grab me, and suffocate me with the plastic shower curtain. (We have a cloth shower curtain and a plastic one now... So hopefully this cant happen)
Whenever I get into my car at night, I ALWAYS check the backseat. (I know everyone has heard the scary story of the guy in the backseat with the knife, and the other someone following the persons car and flashing their lights so the killer wont stab the person driving!) My windows in my car are tinted, so even if there was someone back there, I wouldn't be lucky enough to have someone driving behind me see them.

One day, I know, I will find a homeless person sleeping in my garage. a.) because our garage isnt that hard to get into. and b.) its warmer in there than it is outside.

So... If any of you bloggers out there, have some fears that you may think are irrational, or rational, or agree with me on any of these, let me know! :) I need to prove a point to my husband. And his brother.


Jonesy said...

Ok, so I TOTALLY agree with the shower curtain fear. I cannot get in without peaking first, as well as the backseat of the car.

Kelsie Henrichsen said...

That is to funny!! i really think all girls have the shower fear. even if i'm just peeing i still peek around the shower curtain!!

Burlene said...

Sorry Micah, some of these you come by from your momma.

Let Chris and Josh know they are only irrational IF they hinder your life. Like stop you from doing things in your life. We all have funny things we're worred about....it could happen, just not happening everyday.

Remember my fear is not so much the shower curtain...it's the toilet. I believe my sister has the same one. Or did at one time. That one may be irrational!

Mindy & Steve said...

I have to agree with you. I am so stinkin scared of everything. but there is nothing worse than being ALONE in your house at NIGHT!!! That is when all the bad guys come out!

Jonesy said...

I have one to add to the list. If something falls into the garbage disposal, I am EXTREMELY terrified that it will somehow turn on when I reach down in, and chop my hand up in pieces!!

Kylie and Drew said...

You are totally rational with all those fears. I am the same way and my husband thinks I'm weird too. Definitely the shower one, but I get scared when I'm washing my face or hair and my eyes are closed, I think I'm gonna open my eyes and someone will be standing there! Haha. Also, I have strange fears of scary children standing by my bed at night. That's why Drew built me a canopy! (see our blog...=) AND the Sixth Sense scene when the girl grabs his leg from under the bed. Whenever I am getting into bed, I have to jump from a yard away so she doesn't get my feet! Haha. I love you!

The Jarretts said...

Micah I am sorry but I was laughing so hard about you knocking your two front teeth out. That is so funny. But totally rational.

Lindsay said...

omg i totally check my back seat too! everytime i get in my car! I do a quick hand sweep too haha!

T&G FINISH said...

Ok i do have to agree that not all of these fears are irrational. Its the ones you failed to list. like somoeone grabbing your door handle while your driving ( 60 mph) opening the door and getting in your car. And for the man hidding behing the shower curtain, why would someone wait for you to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night to kill you. It would be so much easier for them to do it while your asleep in your bed. thier would be no struggle. Silly Girl!!!! that why i love you!!!

The Henry's said...

haha this made me laugh because there are so many of the same things I am scared of! Like when I am in the shower washing my hair with my eyes closed, that when I open them someone will be standing in front of me! And when I blow dry my hair, someone will get in our house somehow. And I completely stopped watching scary movies, because I know this is what causes all my scary thoughts!! haha... So don't worry, I think I am worse than you!! :)

The Ziemers said...

That's so funny! I used to be more scared of things than I am now. I grew out of them. I used to be really scared of spiders, but I now am the spider killer in our house. I can totally see Josh and Chris make fun of you about it, though. They are SO MEAN!

Leslie Moon Face said...

This is a fantastic post! :) I have many fears like that! the shower of course, the back seat of course, I'm still scared of the dark (I always carry my keys like a weapon at night so I can jab a bad guy), and any time I even think of a preying mantis I get the heeby jeebies! ew...

The Dyer Fam-Damily said...

Ha ha I always check the back seat of my car! and before I got married I used to walk into my apartment with my cell phone in my hand and 911 dialed just ready to push send incase scary people jumped out! My husband has a good laugh about that too